The Eternal Ones - Kirsten Miller “Haunting and well paced. The surprise ending had me gasping.”

Oh how I loved Haven, I felt such a connection with her. She is strange to her classmates and grew up in a horribly tiny town. I grew up an hour away from where Haven is located and I understand exactly what Miller describes in the first part of the book about how Haven is treated at school and in her community. If you think it is a bit far fetched that the preacher of the town is trying to exercise a demon from young Haven, think again. All things are possible in rural Northern Tennessee.

As Haven remembers more of her past lives and begins on her journey the book picks up pace quite a bit. I believe the first part while it reads slow is fundamental in understand Haven and how her mind works. We meet Iain and the great love affair begins. Haven is very mistrustful of Iain / Ethan due to her spotty past memories and events going on in the present and I as the reader was very distrustful of him as well. Iain seems a bit sneaky.
