Pam has been blogging at Bookalicious for six years. She works as a literary agent to amazing clients. She lives in California with her menagerie and family.
Probably closer to a 3 1/2. I just didn't connect with Sybella the way I did with Ismae. The writing was superb. The road trip essence of the novel annoyed me at times. Horses, ambush, win, horses, ambush, win. I would have preferred more intrigue at court. I can't wait to see what Annith has in store for us.
A beautiful and thoughtful end to one of my favorite series. I was saddened and hopeful with the resolution of the trilogy. Simner is an amazing writer.
The writing was amazing. The world felt unimaginative and disjointed. The book doesn't have a definitive ending like each book in a series should. I never connected to any of the characters or their plight. If you like your dystopia with zero descriptions and romance focused then I do believe this one is for you!
very Jane Eyre which is a book I love. I didn't feel I got to know the love ingest or get a good feel of why the couple fell in love. the ideally and world were absolutely stunning. a great read.
Yancey paints a world that is devastated He somehow leaves the character and the reader hope. There were many chapters where I had to stop reading because I was crying, or I needed to think more about what I had just read. This book was entertaining, heart-stopping, and fast-paced, but inside these pages it also held a love letter to the human condition. This is THE YA book of 2013, and I am so glad it lives up to the hype.
I love Yovanoff's characters, and her plot, but mostly I love her settings. There's this tangible darkness that feels so palpable and real. Like you can reach out and touch it and the texture is divine.
I couldn't put this book down. It was full of intrigue and courtly gossip. Downton Abbey for teens with an East Inda Trading Company feel. The writing is super good and the characters well thought out and portrayed well for the time period. A completely lush and guilty pleasure read. Highly recommended.